Sunday, December 5, 2010

James Davidson does not lie or fabricate false Truth ...that is for Politician Premier Gordon Campbell, Police and Alan Cleary(mediun/negociator)

          "The truth will set you free ... so goes the saying."  So consider if you will the power weilded by a corrupt Premier Gordon Campbell, a Victoria Police Community and their token nigger Alan Cleary (medium/negociator) who does their dirty work for them. Chomsky wrote abook about Media, Power, & Politics ... a course in Uni that i enjoyed..............  People in positions of trust have control of the media... raw power to influence the opinions people have about anything and anyone.

           My name is James Davidson and I am speaking from personal experience when i say that these people are the most dangerous people .....6 years of terror & harassment proves it ........ consider how dangerous someone who you trusted like Police  becomes when they decide to betray that trust, terrorizing harass and destroy your life ........ in an arrogant ploy to teach a lesson ........ constituting "Hate Crime" in Martin's Criminal Code (sections 718.2(i) & 319.2)...............
For starters my incorporated business was destroyed by the Police use of the mental health act after making written & verbal Police Complaints violating section 65.2 of the BC POlice Act, then I was run out of my own home, publicly humiliated by POLICE PROPAGANDA for 6 years in CFAX 1070 and CBC RADIO ONE, radio and Jay Leno of the Tonight Show on television......ARRESTED, INCARCERATED & JAILED because i phoned the police demanding the harassment of my family & I, no avail..... bigots rule with criminal intent.

             Its a know fact that Alan Cleary (Poilce Medium/Negociator) was brought to Victoria BC to terrorize people like James Davidsons'  6year make work project and others.  One of the key reasons was to help clean up the city, by illegal means as a Medium terrorizing & harassing people that were otherwise untouchable legally.....until the mental health act could be applied by Police to in effect discredit, demean, diminish and destroy them legally personally and financially.   He is a truely arrogant, ruthless, cruel, self-centered black bigot with a pension for terrorizing people with his skills, assisted by Radio & Television the media. Someone who cannot be trusted ethically or otherwise.....

ALAN CLEARY IS SOMEONE WHO CANNOT HANDLE LOOSING ... WILL CHEAT TO WIN AT ALL COSTS...... even if it means completely destroying an honest man...

DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS IS HELPING ???  Saanich Police have destroyed my family and life... it will never be the same after this ordeal....

 TO BECOME BULLIED BY THE HATRED OF BIGOTS like Alan Cleary or Premier Gordon
Campbell ?



           The truth is people will say I'm lying ... bullshit,  if so let the International Media have me ....who's truth will be believed ......... I'll inform them so they can investigate to learn the truth themselves ...... Victoria BC is a city full of liars influenced by an abusive bigoted corrupt Police community and their propaganda in the media that will ostracise anyone with the stigma of prejudice.......... Honest people like the Davidson family are not safe in a city like Victoria BC,  when targeted by the hatred (hate crime tactics) of pessimistic Police and population.

Corrupt Lawyers (ie: Neil Carfra) Pervert Justice in Supreme Court of BC

Thursday, December 02, 2010
Alison Luke
Ministry of Attorney General
Legal Services Branch, Civil Litigation
PO Box 9280 Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria BC, V8W 9J7
Telephone 250-356-6705
Fax 250-356-8653

James Davidson
#4-2223 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria, BC V8R1G4
Cell phone #250-208-5489

Dear Alison,

RE:  Victoria Registry No. S10-0204;  Victoria Registry No. S10-0332 (this letter will be filed with others as a document of record for Appeal purposes)

Alison Luke, you have been informed by email and now registered mail of the corruption I have experienced by lawyers and the Supreme Court. I am formally asking for a response & copies of the stolen documents you have in your possession within “10” business days.  If there is not response I will consider that you are part of this corruption involving “hate crime tactics” [Re: S 718.2, S. 318(4),   
 S. 319(2) C.C.C.] I am experiencing and move forward to the Appeal Courts.

By December of 2010 a proper appeals documents & authorities book will be filed.  Highlighted in the Appeal will be the travesty of justice that has occurred by a dishonorable & corrupt Mr. Justice MacKinnon, who should be charged with  “Obstruction of Justice.”  To follow from this all lawyers involved that were present in court will be recommended to be brought up on “ethics charges” for a lack of integrity:

·        Evidence (35page document) was dropped off (while on welfare) with Alison Luke (Barrister & Solicitor) at the Offices of the Attorney General specifying targeted use of biased prejudicial “hate crime” propaganda by CFAX 1070 AM Radio … and withheld said documents or were “buried”, kept from being involved in the summary trial….
·        Evidence(35page document)  was dropped off(while on welfare)  within the Offices Of   The Police Complaint Commissioner on Fort street specifying targeted use of biased prejudicial “hate crime” propaganda by CFAX 1070 AM Radio and were withheld or “buried,”  kept from being involved in the summary trial…
·        Evidence(35page document)  was dropped off (while on welfare) within the Offices of CFAX 1070 AM Radio specifying targeted use of biased prejudicial “hate crime” propaganda by CFAX 1070 AM Radio  and were withheld or buried by office staff, Station Manager Murray Langdon, or his lawyers…
·        Media Propaganda has continued since July 27, 2010 with Case ID 499673 being filed with the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC)….& CRTC… against CFAX 1070 AM Radio, check if you like.  It concerns the CFAX Announcer saying the Police believe James Davidson has in his possession a 9mm hand gun, carries it, and is considered dangerous!
·        Formally your clients are being accused of Breaking & Entering, into and Stealing Legal files from my residence including articles of “Indigent Status” since the Summary Trial in front of corrupt Justice MacKinnon………Check with the Oak Bay Police Department, a complaint was filed with a SGT there, file #2010-2804 by James Davidson…
·        Before the trial there was a “Demand for Documents” within which were produced records of the Incorporated Company “Lawns on the side, Inc.” and banking records depicting  James Davidson as the principle owner and operator, which all opposing lawyers in a complete lack of integrity constituting corruption,  failed to acknowledge in court.  So corrupt was the otherwise concerted presentation to paint James Davidson in a poor light, lacking in character and decorum that it would seem as though all the players were acting from a scripted plan.

It’s obvious from my perspective whether I have all the legal knowledge in the world or not, that there is “criminal intent evident” in what has transpired in maligning James Davidson.  That wasn’t a Summary Trial; it was Neil Carfra on a soap box furthering the (Re: S 718.2 CCC) “hate crime tactics,” of the Saanich Police and their ethically challenged police community.  It is highly recommended that your clients take inventory of their criminal actions and realize “an honest James Davidson will not bend in the face of corruption.”
My learned friend, inform your ethically challenged ranks to try honesty.  After experiencing 6 years of abuse & harassment by corrupt Premier Gordon Campbell, Alan Cleary and the Police Community … I am aware how challenging the ethical concept of honesty has become.  Ironically it can be pointed out in court that what is stated in the BC Police Act does not apply to the reality of bigoted police practices according to VPD Police Chief Jamie Graham or retired Saanich Police Chief Derek Egan.
I look forward to seeing that arrogant lawyer’s demeanor which lacks in integrity in all 8 of you at court once again. By the way why are you so ethically challenged?  Isn’t the “law” all about honesty?

Regards, James Davidson
#4-2223 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria, BC V8R1G4
Cell phone #250-208-5489